Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Miguel's twin brother


This is Miguel with his twin.  We call him "Carlos."  He was born the week that his senior nursery class studied the different parts of the body.  His teacher Mitch traced out his outline with a crayon as he lay on a piece of manila paper.  (Kinda like the one that you see at a crime scene on TV, yeh.)  Then she sent the outline to mom, with instructions to mount it on a piece of cardboard or styrofoam, cut it out, then dress it up.  'Course she gave me just 2 days' notice to do it, but anyway it was nice to see the school decorated with all these carbon copies of the kids.


Anonymous said...

sorry, if i gave you just two days to do migueli's "twin" -----T. Mitch =)

sandygirl said...

Aw, Mitch, I put my foot in my mouth, didn't I? Yes I was tired, but we really did enjoy it afterward. Would you believe he even got "jealous" of his twin because it got a lot of attention? Haha!